Executive Board

Oswald Beaujean
Dr. Rainer Goedl
Dr. Volker Frühling

Michael Zwenzner 

Board of Trustees

Ruth Petersen
Dr. Cornelius Baur
Dr. Christoph-Friedrich von Braun

Dr. Rainer Goedl
Stefan Kornelius
Prof. Dr. Bernd Redmann
Mariel von Schumann
Helmut Späth
Heinrich Graf von Spreti

Economic Board of Advisors


Dr. Markus Brixle
Dr. Balthasar Freiherr von Campenhausen



The Münchener Kammerorchester is a registered association with 28 permanently employed musicians. Aim is the encouragement of the musical life by concerts with important works of the classical and contemporary music.

A membership in our non-profit association supports the Münchener Kammerorchester and his artistic future. If you want to join our association and support our work as private person or company, there are these options:


Starting with an annual fee of EUR 100,-


For every further family member starting with an annual fee of EUR 20,-
Companies starting with an annual fee of EUR 300,-


For your membership fee you will receive a tax deductible receipt. Donations, for which you will also receive a tax deductible receipt, are of course welcome.


Bank account for memership fees and donations:
Münchener Kammerorchester e.V.
IBAN: DE32 7002 0270 0000 2082 12
Hypovereinsbank München
