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The Circle of Friends of the Munich Chamber Orchestra unites people who want to sustainably support the artistic work of the orchestra as well as experience it at first hand – friends who make an indispensable contribution to the success of the MKO and its permanent place in Munich’s cultural landscape. The MKO is only partially publicly funded and has to generate around half of its income itself. This makes the loyal and enthusiastic support of our circle of friends all the more valuable to us.

Are you also enthusiastic about exciting music from all eras and like to be close to the artistic action? Then become a member of the Friends of the MKO and enjoy numerous benefits – from discounted concert attendance and exclusive Friends’ Circle events to a look behind the scenes. Or give a membership as a gift to other music fans!

From 200 € / year (only 28 € for all up to 28 years)

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You are up close and personal: at workshop discussions, rehearsal visits and exclusive Friends’ Circle events. You will receive special offers for guest performances in Munich and the surrounding area. And if you like, you can also accompany the orchestra on tour.


You get to chat: at the Circle of Friends reception during the intervals of our subscription concerts, we invite you for a drink and a chat in the Gartensaal of the Prinzregententheater.


You not only save money when you buy tickets, but also when you buy our CDs and DVDs. Every year at Christmas we give you a new release from the orchestra as a gift.


In addition …

  • you will always be well informed – about new concerts, advance ticket sales and interesting facts about the MKO.
  • If you wish, you can join our sponsors’ association and continue to support us.
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from 200 Euro annual contribution
for everyone

10% discount on subscriptions and single tickets for the subscription concerts in the Prinzregententheater and the ‘Nachtmusik der Moderne’ series.

Donation receipt for the tax-deductible part of the annual subscription (€ 150)



from 500 Euro annual subscription
for couples as well

20% discount on subscriptions and single tickets for the subscription concerts in the Prinzregententheater and the ‘Nachtmusik der Moderne’ series.

Donation receipt for the tax-deductible part of the annual subscription (€ 400)


Allegro con fuoco

from 1000 Euro annual contribution
also for companies

30% discount on subscriptions and single tickets for the subscription concerts in the Prinzregententheater and the ‘Nachtmusik der Moderne’ series.

Donation receipt for the tax-deductible part of the annual subscription (€ 850)


ab 200 Euro Jahresbeitrag

für alle

10% Ermäßigungen auf Abonnements und Einzelkarten für die Aboreihe des MKO

Spendenquittung über den steuerlich absetzbaren Bestandteil des Jahresbeitrags (€ 150,–)


ab 500 Euro Jahresbeitrag 

auch für Paare

20% Ermäßigungen auf Abonnements und Einzelkarten für die Aboreihe des MKO

Spendenquittung über den steuerlich absetzbaren Bestandteil des Jahresbeitrags (€ 400,–)

Allegro con fuoco

ab 1000 Euro Jahresbeitrag

auch für Firmen

30% Ermäßigungen auf Abonnements und Einzelkarten für die Aboreihe des MKO

Spendenquittung über den steuerlich absetzbaren Bestandteil des Jahresbeitrags (€ 850,–)


Allegro con fuoco

from € 1000,-

for you or your company

Donation receipt for the tax-deductible component of the annual contribution (€ 850,-)

30% discount on subscriptions and single tickets for the MKO’s evening series


from € 500,-

even for couples

Donation receipt for the tax-deductible component of the annual contribution (€ 400,-)

20% discount on subscriptions and single tickets for the MKO’s evening series


from € 200,-

for everyone

Donation receipt for the tax-deductible component of the annual contribution (€ 150,-)

10% discount on subscriptions and single tickets for the MKO’s evening series


from € 28,-

for everyone up to 28 years of age

Youth tickets to the subscription concerts at € 6,- (instead of € 12,-)

Youth tickets to the composers’ portraits in the Pinakothek der Moderne at € 10 (instead of € 15).


– Workshop talks, rehearsal visits, exclusive concerts:
Experience the work of the orchestra ‘behind the scenes
– Invitation to the Friends’ Concert Reception at all subscription concerts
– ticket offers to guest performances of the MKO in Munich and the surrounding area exclusive trips with the orchestra
– personal presentation of the season programme by the principal conductor
– Price reductions on subscriptions and single tickets for the MKO’s subscription series (30% for Allegro con Fuoco, 20% for Allegro, 10% for Andante members)
– Discounts on CD purchases
– one new CD release of the MKO (or of a guest soloist) every year for Christmas
– Donation receipt for the tax-deductible part of the annual membership fee
– on request: membership in our supporting association


We would also like to offer younger MKO fans an opportunity to become Friends of the orchestra and participate in orchestral life. Alongside our ‘Abo 28’, we are therefore founding the ‘FRIENDS 28’ for everyone up to the age of 28. Whether as a follow-up to participation in one of our education initiatives, as a supplement to a youth subscription or as a gift for a godchild, we are delighted to offer the next generation of concert goers a glimpse behind the scenes.


In addition to the offers to the entire circle of friends (invitations, ticket offers and regular information with the exception of the Christmas CD), which members of FRIENDS 28, there are two special features of membership in FRIENDS 28:
You receive youth tickets to the subscription concerts at € 6 (instead of € 12) and for the composer portraits in the Pinakothek der Moderne at € 10 (instead of € 15).



Hans-Ulrich Gaebel und Frau Dr. Hilke Hentze / Dres. Monika Goedl und Rainer Goedl / Gabriele Forberg-Schneider / Dr. Angie Schaefer / Prof. Dr. Matthias Volkenandt und Prof. Dr. Angelika Nollert / Swantje von Werz 


Dr. Angelika Baumann und Dr. Volker Döhl / Wolfgang Bendler / Karin Berger / Georg Danes / Harald Kucharcik und Anne Peiffer-Kucharcik / Dr. Michael Mirow / Udo Philipp / Gerd und Ursula Rathmayer / Constanza Gräfin Rességuier / Peter Sachse / Angela Stephan / Katharina und Wolfram Stör /Andreas Lev Mordechai Thoma / Dr. Gert Venzl / Angela Wiegand / Martin Wiesbeck / Walter und Ursula Wöhlbier / Sandra Zölch


Dr. Ingrid Anker / Karin Auer / Inge Bardenhagen / Wolfgang Behr / Dr. Markus Brixle / Marion Bud-Monheim / Dr. Helga Büdel / Helga Dilcher / Dr. Anna Dudek / Dr. Georg Dudek / Dr. Andreas Finke / Dr. Martin Frede / Freifrau Irmgard von Gienanth / Thomas Greinwald / Andreas Gressmann / Dr. Beate Gröller / Nancy von Hagemeister / Dr. Ifeaka Hangen-Mordi / Walter Harms / Iris Hertkorn / Dr. Siglinde Hesse / Stephanie Heyl / Dr. Tobias Heyl /  Franz Holzwarth / Dirk Homburg / Ursula Hugendubel / Stephan Keller / Anke Kies / Michael von Killisch-Horn / Ilse Brigitte Koepnick / Rüdiger Köbbing / Werner Kraus / Sibylle Küter / Martin Laiblin / Bernhard Leeb / Gudrun Lehmann-Scherf / Dr. Nicola Leuze / Klaus Marx / Dr. Friedemann Müller / Anna Obertanner / Marianne Oren / Monika Rau / Dr. Monika Renner / Brigitte Riegger / Günter Rohrbach und Angelika Willich / Elisabeth Schambeck / Stefan Schambeck / Elisabeth Schauer / Marion Schieferdecker / Dr. Ursel Schmidt-Garve / Friederike Schneller / Dr. Mechthild Schwaiger / Ulrich Sieveking / Claudia Spachtholz / Heinrich Graf von Spreti / Dr. Peter Stadler / Walburga Stark-Zeller / Angelika Stecher / Maria Straubinger / Marion Strehlow / Walter Storms / Walter Thierauf / Dr. Uwe und Dagmar Timm / Britta Uhl / Adelheid Vogt / Alexandra Vollmer / Dr. Peter Weidinger / Barbara Weschke-Scheer / Dr. Joachim West / Helga Widmann / Caroline Wöhrl / Monika Wolf / Rosemarie Zimmermann


Sofie Eifertinger / Julia Leeb / Quirin Müller / Iva Hertel
